Embrace the AND, Get Unruly, and inspire your team to show up with all they’ve got.

Strategically reject what limits you & you’ll find success and growth you didn’t know existed.

Limiting your team limits your growth. (And when you don’t break the rules, the status quo reigns.)

Business advice and growth strategy have long focused on following blueprints and leaning into traditional roles. However, here's what happens: we grow — to a point — and then we can’t grow anymore.

The trick to breaking through stagnation lies with getting strategically unruly —  breaking free from limiting beliefs, rethinking rules and structures, shifting your mindset, and embracing new ways to approach work, life, and success.

When you can push past what holds you back, you create more competitive advantage, expand the choices available to you, and find evolution and growth in the way that fosters success and growth in you, your teams, and your organization. You also invite your team to align the parts of themselves that aren’t so “typical” — the gifts and skills that we have ignored or thought people didn’t want to see — which opens the door to opportunities you might not realize existed.

This is what I help you do.

Here’s how you, your team, and your organization will develop the potential you’ve yet to claim during my keynote:

How to embrace the AND: Foster creativity, expand possibilities, and think outside the box of typical, traditional approaches with my focus on showing up beyond where you have in the past.

Unruliness is proactive, and it changes the game: During your team’s time with me, we’ll challenge what's holding us back to really move things forward. By taking a deeper look at systems, rules, and strategies, we’ll learn how to start closing gaps immediately.

How to create continuous evolution: Growth and innovation require a continual commitment to trying new things and expanding upon traditional rules — and your team will understand how to leverage their unique differences to supercharge growth and innovation.

Challenging conventional wisdom keeps you competitive: You’ll learn how to execute on your ideas by questioning norms, trying new things, and embracing the full scope of your team.

The secret to rediscovering passion in the workplace (and in life): When your people are seen, heard, and valued, everything is better — and everyone listening will learn their differentiators… and then learn how to use their differentiators to help the organization thrive.

Why Kim?

  1. My unique experience brings something new to the table: I’ve had experience in the boardroom, the courtroom, and on the dance floor — and that perspective helps me show audiences how they can use their whole selves to create magic in their work and personal lives.

  2. My keynotes will literally leave you dancing in your seat: Using a dynamic delivery style — and a hefty dose, as always, of strategic unruliness — I captivate audiences and create transformative shifts with lasting impact.

  3. I approach lessons with stories: With a mix of anecdotes and real-life examples, I take each audience into a story-driven, engaging keynote that’s equal parts memorable, bold, and inspiring. 

  4. I create frameworks that are fun to implement: While I teach unruliness, I teach it in a strategic way — and each keynote is packed with actionable steps and frameworks that can be used to easily spur growth and drive innovation at work and at home.

  5. Audiences adopt my methods: With a direct, clear, honest, and FUN approach to every lesson I teach, I earn buy-in from your teams by helping people uncover the unique things that make them the powerful people they are.

Book a Power Hour: the secret strategy changing lives of female leaders everywhere.

While keynotes are my bread and butter, I also teach a movement-based class that connects leaders to the confidence hiding within. With no judgment and no expectations (ever!), a Power Hour helps you fully move into your power.


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